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  • 华中农业大学-在食品支付意愿方面取得新进展



  近日,华中农业大学经济管理学院陈轩教授、施龙中副教授以及南京财经大学陈波副教授以“Covid-19-tested food labels”为题在国际期刊Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics发表研究成果。研究发现,在新冠疫情期间,我国消费者对新冠检测食品标签有较高的支付意愿,该支付意愿与标签的设立机构、食品的来源国以及消费者的人口统计特征相关。此外,研究发现消费者对新冠防疫手段的了解对该支付意愿没有显著影响。





  While the transmission of virus SARS-CoV-2 via food is rare,some Chinese food retailers are considering a Covid-19-tested food label.However,how consumers may support such a label is unknown.We quantify Chinese consumers’willingness to pay(WTP)for food carrying a Covid-19-tested label using an online choice experiment.We find that the WTPs for such a label are always positive for all food products considered.The amount of WTP depends on the entities authenticating the labels,country of origin of the food,and consumers’socio-demographic status.Contrary to expectation,the knowledge on Covid-19 does not affect consumer preferences for the Covid-19-tested food labels.Our benefit and cost analysis suggests a possible large benefit of creating and administering a Covid-19-tested food label.This study provides insights for policymakers,global food manufacturers,and retailers to create marketing strategies to alleviate consumer food safety concerns associated with Covid-19.




